How to Rectify Your Digital Door Lock?

Digital door locks are a great way to enhance your home’s security and convenience. They eliminate the hassle of carrying keys, offering peace of mind. However, like any device, they can wear out or stop working properly after years of use.

The first step to rectifying your lock is to identify what’s wrong. Here are some easy ways to solve common issues and ideas to get your lock working again:

3 Tips on Rectifying Your Digital Door Lock Issues

  1. Repair your digital door lock if you are working with a faulty deadbolt

If your digital door lock is of keypad type, then with a due course of time you will find that the lock stops working. If the deadbolt does not release by entering the correct security code, then you must consider the following steps:

  • Remove the lock’s cover from its interior side. This can be done by unscrewing the lock’s cover and then removing it.
    Once the lock can be detached from the door, unplug its wires.
  • Further, open the door and support the front half of the lock body on the exterior of the door, the part with the keypad, as you unscrew and disconnect the two parts and remove both sections of the lock off the door.
  • Open the body of the lock by unscrewing the bolts holding together and try to remove the face of the lock and the latch.
    Inside, you will again find two more bolts holding the interior of the lock body together and unscrew them and then remove the cover.
  • While this is open, see if you can identify the problem and understand if you are able to fix yourself.
  • If the spring-loaded pin in the moving part of the latch mechanism falls out then there is a quick DIY fix. Just insert the pin back.
  • Push the pin into the channel of the sprocket.
  • When you feel the lock is back to normal or rectified and seems to work, but the components back together and screw each part in place as it was before.
  • Reinstall the lock by testing the keycode to see if it is now working properly.

2. Repair your lock that is jammed

Most often your locks might get jammed. In this case, consider following the below steps:

  • Before you disassemble anything, first test the lock a few times to understand which direction the smart lock is struggling with. Can it only lock, but doesn’t unlock? Can it disengage the deadbolt, but make a noise while you are trying to re-engage it?
  • If this is so, try to apply light pressure to overcome any motor friction and help it move the deadbolt into the locked or unlocked position.
  • See if you can resolve the problem by taking off the backplate of the lock and resetting the gears.
  • Once you unscrew the backplate, take care not to disconnect the wiring inside. See if you find any guide at this point.
  • Next, consider removing the gears and axles.
  • Further, you can use compressed air to gently clean the lock body to remove any dust.
  • Reset the gears and test the lock to check if the parts are able to move more smoothly.
  • Finally, reassemble the rest of the lock and reinstall it on the door.
  1. Read and follow the user manual

If you find any problems such as:

  • The lock constantly flashes a red light.
  • The locker compartment is locked and there is no response.
  • The locks are randomly opening themselves.
  • Access cards not working with the RFID lock.

Then in this case you are supposed to thoroughly read the instruction manual. Make sure to follow the guidelines step by step.


Hope this article will guide you if you come across any kind of problem related to digital door locks. If you are not able to rectify on your own, consider hiring a locksmith and get your lock repaired.